Sent: 02 December 2013 13:36

To: Kelly, Glenn; Smith, Kathleen

Cc: Hume, Marc; Obazuaye, Charles; Patterson, Doug; Sydney, Sue; Eglinton, Tammy

Subject: Follow up on Questions raised at the Meeting on Commissioning


Good Afternoon Glenn, Kathy and Nick


Thank you for meeting with us to discuss the progress of the Commissioning programme and apologies once again that Marc was unable to attend on this occasion, this was due to unforeseen circumstances outside of our control.


Following on from our meeting on Friday 22nd November where you raised a number of questions I have now had time to consult with Marc and the Commissioning Team. Please see the answers to your questions below.


1.       Can you have a copy of the Liberata Framework agreement?

This is a matter for yourself and Mark Bowen to consider and is not something the Commissioning Team has control over.


2.       Updates on specific services and meetings with the Commissioning Leads/Services


These meetings will happen as part of the process as and when it is appropriate to do so, and staff, unions, Dep Reps and staff side will be engaged in the process at the appropriate time. Where work is taking place as part of good business practices like researching the market there is no need for us to consult.


3.       Can I send them the Project Status Document?


This document is for the use of Doug, his Directors and the commissioning team and not for general circulation. We can provide a cleansed version that lists the services currently being covered by the commissioning team; however we ran through this on Friday.


4.       Can they have a copy of the Market Intelligence Paper work?


Again, we will consult and circulate paperwork as and when necessary and at the appropriate time within the process.


We will organise a quarterly meeting between Marc Hume, HR and Glenn Kelly and colleagues to improve communications and transparency, to discuss the progress of the programme as a whole. Communication with Staff and the Unions, Dep Reps and Staff Side secretary will be carried out but the relevant Director and Service managers at the appropriate time within the process for each individual review.


Many Thanks


Emma Pearce

Programme Officer